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Business.  Beauty Boss.

My Story




I'm Trina! Just a small town girl, livin’ in a blessed world - sung to the tune of “Don’t Stop Believin’- by Journey :)


I am a proud wife, and a mama of one amazing little girl named Bria. 


I graduated high school in 2000, you know the big Y2K when we all thought the world was going to end?! I had dreams and scholarships to go into journalism. I loved writing, I loved sharing information with people and I loved marketing so it was the obvious choice that society would tell me to do. As years went by I found myself grinding 5 days a week just to live for 2 days a week in an industry that kept my wings tied down. 


It took my hubby losing his job in 2016 for me to decide whether I was going to take flight or fight to save our house. Ultimately, this propelled me into a direction I truly felt I belonged. I decided to dive into a network marketing company! (And if you want to know more about network marketing, send me a quick message!)


I found an incredible company, an extraordinary product, an excellent compensation plan and I very quickly felt those wings of mine begin to fly! I have grown a team of thousand like minded women who have a desire to live beyond a mediocre life. Through social media we continue to teach others that laptop lifestyles are the way of the future and real businesses.  We’re changing lives - for single mamas, those wanting financial freedom, time freedom, wanting to travel - we're building friendships as well as an amazing community. 


Follow along as I share tips from how to build your brand, social media hacks, funny stories as well as heart wrenching stories, to overcoming limiting beliefs & self care. . . and of course expect some freebies and giveaways! 


Beauty influencer




Social Media Business Mentor

Trina Mosher

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